Sunday, April 15, 2007

Law of Attraction Radio Show

Law of Attraction with Sydney and Julie BlogRadio Show gets HIGH MARKS

New Blog radio show rated the most Inspirational from Coast to Coast.

Law of Attraction Radio Show----California, New York City

Law of Attraction Radio is a new internet talk show that's got people buzzing.

Join us Sunday evening April 15th at 7:30 pm (EST) and 4:30 pm (PST), and every Sunday evening thereafter. Click on the Listen Live link...or copy and paste the link to your own myspace page so that you will be able to listen to archives if you miss the show

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New York Actress, Sydney Chase, a self-professed creator of "her exciting career" co-hosts this new show with Southern California's "Law of Attraction Practitioner", Julie Johnson. Both hosts apply the principles of Law of Attraction, and Art of Allowing daily in their own lives They have read and studied books from the great teachers such as Abraham-Hicks, Orin and DaBen, Jane Roberts (Seth Books), Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Neale Donald Walsch, Deepak Chopra and many more.

"Our real mission is to help our listeners at Law of Attraction Radio discover their own answers. When they hit upon that answer, they have what we call an "AHA" moment… that's what this show is all about," stated Julie Johnson, the show's technical Coordinator.

Sydney agrees. "The best information we can provide for people are actual life experiences, which allows folks to better identify how to apply the Law of Attraction in their own lives. Law of Attraction can seem confusing, but when explained through real life examples, the A HA's just start flowing in!"

Law of Attraction Radio brings real life inspiration to real life situations.

Every week the stories change but the mission remains the same…. If it feels good then you are on the right track. If it feels bad, then drop the oars on that boat and let that boat turn downstream to get back on the right track. Probably the most important message they want to convey is "Just have fun with it… Be easy and find your bliss."

Both Sydney and Julie agree that while they do not have all the answers to the application of the Law of Attraction they do know that LOA does work.

Stories from people using the Law of Attraction are located on Sydney site at What did You Manifest Today?

Julie a certified hypnotherapist, creates her own Hypnosis Conscious Creation Mediation CD's based on the Law of Attraction teachings. Julie's site is dedicated to assisting individuals with locating the right tools to release old negative thought patterns and replacing them with new positive ones. Her site is Law of Attraction Tools

The show Law of Attraction Radio airs every Sunday evening at 7:30 pm (EST) and 4:30 pm (PST).

To listen to Law of Attraction Radio shows visit either Julie or Sydney's website.

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