Sunday, April 15, 2007

Human cells and the power of thought - video

~Human cells respond~

The work that we've done in hundreds of hours of testing of the white cells is just absolutely fascinating.
There's no doubt about it that your thoughts can permeate every cell of your body, without going through any of the conventional communications systems.
In other words, if your thoughts, when your cells are separated from your body and being tested, under glass or in vitro, if they can react to your emotions when you are separated from them, you know in your body that they are going to react to emotional changes, particularly the negative emotions.

The problem is, nothing is quite as disruptive as negative thinking.
We use negative thinking to see these reactions when they do occur.
The positive stuff you don't see. It shows a free flowing changes on the chart.
But the negative stuff, right away you these bursts of electrical activity from the cells that have been separated from the donor.
So it means that when you are thinking negative thoughts, you are not doing yourself any favor. This would certainly bear that out.

~Cleve Backster~ Author of "The Secret Life of Your Cells"

The Secret Life of Your Cells

In the Secret Life of Your Cells, Robert B. Stone, Ph.D., explores the latest research of Cleve Backster, who by attaching a lie-detector to the leaf of a plant discovered that it had feelings and the ability to read our thoughts. Now this ability - primary perception - has been traced over to disconnected single cells of our own bodies. What millions of Americans saw reported on TV's Incredible Sunday, Dr. Stone now shares in depth in The Secret Life of Your Cells. The implications and possibilities of that discovery, and the difficult struggle it has had in finding acceptance in the tradition-bound scientific community makes exciting, challenging, mind-expanding reading.

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