Choosing Your New Mindset - by James Arthur Ray
Choosing Your New Mindset
How do you come up with your new mindset? How do you choose new thoughts to replace your old, limiting ones? Here are some tips for creating your new mindset:
- Make your mindset as real, concrete and comprehensive as possible. That means writing it down exactly as you want it to be.
- Think in an unlimited way. Give yourself permission to envision yourself, your attitudes about yourself, others and how the world works exactly as you would like them to be.
- Be sure to use the present tense. You must not think in terms of "someday," or write "I will be." Write it and experience it as if it were true right now...even if the results have not yet manifested. Write, for instance, "I love making money and running a successful business, because it allows me
to be generous to others." Give your unconscious mind the message that this reality is already manifest in your life. - Make your mindset emotional. In addition to writing in the present tense, include emotional words and get involved emotionally in what you are writing. Remember, feelings are the gateway to the unconscious mind... and your unconscious mind is the real power behind your success. Emotion creates motivation. You must get passionate. Unless you are passionate about your new mindset, unless you truly fall in love with it, it will not come into physical form.
- Be careful to state what you do want, not what you don't want. Our minds cannot process a negative. If I tell you not to think about an ice cream cone, what do you think about? You must first think of what I told you not to think about before you can tell your mind not to think about it! All this thinking will cause you to attract the very thing you don't want. So remember to state what you do want.
- Create a picture of your mindset and be in the picture... not just an observer looking at it. When I ask people to do this exercise, they almost always find that they are looking at themselves in the picture. This doesn't work. You must be in the picture of your new mindset. If you're looking at yourself in the picture, you're telling your unconscious that it's not really you, that you're not really there yet. When you're actually in the picture, you are experiencing the emotions and results that you already have your new life. You are telling your unconscious, "This is real!" Your unconscious immediately goes about creating that reality. See what you would see if you were in the picture, not looking at yourself in the picture.
"Lots of success programs tell you what to do, but only the Harmonic Wealth Weekend shows you how to think and create the life you really want.."
These tips are effective whether you are working with a new mindset or with a new vision or goal.
To your continued wealth and happiness,
James Arthur Ray
James Ray International
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