Thursday, May 3, 2007

Dr. Wayne Dyer - How To Get What You Really, Really Want & Improve Your Life

2 excellent presentations by Dr. Wayne Dyer about
"How To Get What You Really, Really Want"

"Improve Your Life Using The Wisdom Of The Ages"

Total duration: 2 hrs 39 min 42 sec

Many thanx to for bringing this to my attention!

Rhonda Byrne in The Times 100 list

The TIME 100


Rhonda Byrne
By Jack Canfield

I first met Rhonda Byrne in July 2005, when she asked if she could bring her film crew to a meeting of the Transformational Leadership Council and interview our members for a movie she was creating called The Secret. For four days she and her crew filmed during the day and socialized with us at night. I was struck by her energy. She seemed to be in a constant state of bliss, of childlike wonder.

As I got to know her, Byrne, 50, seemed to always be in that state. Even when she ran out of film, when the money to complete the next phase of the project hadn't yet materialized or when her original TV distribution deal fell through, to her it was always "perfect." She radiated a confidence and a trust that it was all being handled perfectly by the universe. Obstacles that would defeat most people didn't seem to daunt her. She just kept moving forward in joyous faith that it would all work out. What I didn't realize at the time was that the way she was living her life and approaching her work was teaching me even more about how to live in harmony with her Law of Attraction than her movie or book.

I am often asked why The Secret has been such a phenomenon—more than 2 million DVDs sold in a year and almost 4 million books in less than six months. It is primarily because Byrne's love and joy permeate every frame and every page. Her intention was pure and simple—to uplift as much of humanity as she could reach, and so far she has reached millions. And I believe she has only just begun.

Canfield is co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series


Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Oprah and Michael Losier discuss 'The Law of Attraction' - Part 2

Broadcasted on XM Radio Online Ch156 - April 26, 2007

XM Radio Online Channel 156 is called 'Oprah & Friends'. This channel broadcasts round-the-clock, and one of its ongoing (half-hour) shows, 'Oprah's Soul Series,' airs every
Thursday at 4:00 am, 10:00am, 4:00pm, and 10:00pm.


Many thanx to:


I posted a video earlier of Michael Losier which you can see here:

Michael Losier's Book:

Law of Attraction:
The Science of Attracting More of What You Want
and Less of What You Don't