Thursday, March 1, 2007

Is Attraction a Law? - by Joe Vitale

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Name: Joe Vitale
Location: Wimberley, Texas, US

Author of way too many books to list here

Is Attraction a Law?

Besides Larry King interviewing me last November, I'm being interviewed every day by other biggies, including Time magazine, Bottomline Personal, and Newsweek.

They all want to know if the law of attraction is really a law.

They all agree that gravity is, but they aren't so sure about attraction.

The people who say attraction is not a law cite examples such as, "I know gravity works. When I drop a book off a skyscraper, it will hit the ground. That's proof of the law of gravity."


They then go on to say, "When I try to attract something, sometimes I get it and sometimes I don't. So it isn't a law."

Not agreed.

Here's why.

Saying you tried to attract something and failed is like saying you tried to drop a book from a skyscraper to hit a particular spot and you missed. Because you missed the spot, you say gravity doesn't exist.

This is a little like telling a parachutist that because they didn't land on the red dot in the field, but instead landed in the trees, gravity doesn't exist.

Obviously gravity exists. You just don't know how to use it to get what you want in any specific way.

Same with the law of attraction.

When you focus on attracting a new car, but instead attract a moped, it isn't because the law wasn't in effect; it's because you didn't work with the law.

Everything you have is what you attracted.

You just did it unconsciously.

No biggie.

No need to feel bad or beat yourself up.

The idea now is to awaken.

Ao Akua,


PS - Newsweek is publishing a feature story on The Secret and the law of attraction next week. It should hit the stands any day. I'm eager to see what they say. Stay tuned.

Note: Here's Joe's blog after he read that article in Newsweek:

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